Compliments & Complaints

Helping us to provide you with improved services

Talk to us and we will listen and learn

A comments box is available in reception where you can post all compliments and contacts.

We also have an online function on the Contact Us page for your convenience. If appropriate we will acknowledge receipt of your compliment and contact.


Compliments are always welcome and are used to evaluate the services we offer.


Contacts are not complaints but offer you a forum where you can raise any service or practice environment matter. Information provided will help us to improve the services we offer and the environment that these take place. Contact forms are available from reception. Alternatively use the contact us link above to post a contact.


Complaints are always welcome and are used to improve the services we offer.

We hope that we can sort most problems out easily and quickly, often at the time they arise and with the person concerned. If you wish to make a complaint, please speak or write to the Operational Manager. For more information on the complaint process please read our Complaint leaflet.

Complaints will be treated seriously and acknowledged in line with the Practice Complaints Policy and Procedure (available on request). Please do not use the contact us link above or the comments box (held in reception).